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Caleta Grau
(votes: 1)
Type Anchorage
Country Chile
City Patagonia
Max depth 5 m
Views: 1351

For boats

Depth: 5
Protection: SW-W-NW-N-NE-E
Bottom: silt
Holding: good
Protection: 5 on 5
Area: 3 on 5
GPS: 49 20.42 74 24.67W

When approach keep closer to the E and pass a group of small rocks in W part of the bay’s entrance.

Caleta Grau is narrow and shelter very well from all winds except S-SE, but shelter very well from N strong wind which are very often in the channel.

Drop the anchor and tie 2 or 4 shore lines to the trees.  With 4 lines your boat is very protected in all conditions. During strong N winds there is just a little breeze inside.

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