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Caleta Yvonne
(votes: 1)
Type Anchorage
Country Chile
City Patagonia
Max depth 3 m
Views: 1477

For boats

Depth: 3-4
Protection: all winds (W arm), all but not S (E arm)
Bottom: mud and sand
Holding: very good
Protection: 5 on 5
Area: 4 on 5
GPS (entrance): 48 39.945S 74 19.217W
GPS (E arm): 48 39.815S 74 19.180W
One of the best Caletas in Patagonia – very safe, beautiful and worth to visit. The minimum depth on entrance is 6 meters. Inside the bay is about 10 to 15m. Close to the shore about 5, decreasing to 3.

Inside the bay are to smaller coves. The west is more safe, protect from all wind. Do not come to close to the shore, there is a small rock (under water in HW).

The East cover is a little narrow, but still enough for 1 or 2 boats staying long side.

Tie 2 or 4 shore lines to be very good protected. In E arm tie a shore line to great stone lying by the beach.

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