For boats
Aguirre is a village with population about 1000. There are 3 small wharfs, one
for jetty (north west
part) one for small fishing boats and small ferries (south east part), and one
for bigger ferries and small ships (north east part).
The only
one useful for yachts is in SE part. You can moor both sides, but inside part
is more save. There is a space just for one yacht, if there is another ask for
arriving call Armada (call sign: Puerto Aguirre Radio, CH 16) inform about your
plans, ask for permission for berthing.
If there is
no place (wharf) or permission for berthing to the wharf you can to drop the
anchor in small bay located 0.5Nm North (Caleta La Poza). There could be located
a small mooring buoys, ask Armada for permission to use one of them.
mooring Captain has to visit Armada office with boat document, Zarpe for
sailing and passports. The same before departing (new Zarpe will be written).
There are
some groceries in the town, hardware shop, post office.
station is located other side of Armada office. If it’s closed, ask in Armada. Use
your jerry cans to tank a fuel.
For crews
No showers, WC. We do not locate any WiFi spot or internet cafe.
There are some bars and restaurants, not all open out of season.
no fees for berthing