For boats
The Gambier
Islands are in the SE corner of the South Pacific cruising area and a logical
point to stop during passage from/to South America.
The atoll is a bit off main Pacific routes (Panama
– Polynesia), so only a few yachts come there.
But for yachts sailing from South America via Easter Island and Pitcairn it’s
the best place to Check in to Polynesia
(Mangareva is the Port of Entry).
The Gambier Islands are enclosed within a reef which is
submerged in many places. There are 3 main passes from NW, SW, and SE
direction, but you can cross the reef in more places.
Be careful
of many shallows, rocks and reefs inside the atoll, specially in N part.
When you
approach the Rikitea (the main village with pop. about 500) a buoyed channel
leads into the anchorage across the internal reefs – keep in the middle of the
channel). Inside there is enough place for anchoring for 10-15 boats (depth about
20m), and the protection and holding is very good (sand with mud). This anchorage is sheltered from winds and
swell from all directions.
Do not
anchor close to the local wharf, leave enough space for ships coming there from
time to time.
The best
place for dinghy landing is a small harbor with wharf. Come inside and tie your
dinghy to small floating pier.
Visit a
Ganarmerie ASAP. You will fill some forms, one of them you will sent to Papeete (there is a post
office). No extra immigration or customs.
For yachts
from UE, formalities are easy, and you can stay in Polynesia
for 24 months.
There is no
petrol station. The best option is to buy a fuel when a supply ship is coming
(directly from the ship, but you can buy 200l drums only). Use your own jerry
cans to refill and delivery fuel to your boat. Other way is ask for fuel in
local shops – ‘Therehere’ is best option.
You can by
a 1000 liters
of water in local Municipal (turn left from the harbor and walk about 400 meters). The cost is
500 Pacific French Franks (XPF). This water is available close to the sport
center which is located at NE end of village (about 1km from the harbor). You
can get there by dinghy with landing on a wide beach, or at the same place (in
municipal) arrange a delivery directly to the wharf, where you can berth for taking
a water. Additional cost: 1500 XPF
There is a
few shops with limited products (vegetable and fresh products are a problem)
and high prices. A shops called Therehere (left from the harbor, walk about 600 meters, with blue
signs, on the right) looks for best supply.
baguette you can buy every early morning (some in afternoon) in local bakery
(right from the harbor and about 400m).
There are
some products with red prices on, they are partly paid by government so the
final price for customers is cheaper than similar products.
There is no
bank or ATM. USD and probably Euro you can change to XPF in most of the shops.
A rate in 2016: 1 USD = 100XPF, 1 EUR – 120XPF
possibility to refill your bottles, but you can buy a new bottles (Polynesian
connection) in some places. Easy to find.
Post office
There is a
post office (look for a huge sat antenna). A local stamp 80XPF, international
one – 140XPF.
There is a
WiFi (available at anchorage), name ViniSPOT, but it’s not free and rather
quite slow. One hour cost about 4 EUR, 10hrs – 28 EUR, 50hrs - 82EUR (payment via internet with
credit card). In 2016 the system worked wrong and with 1hr credit you can surf
all the time.
The WiFi is
also available in the restaurant (the biggest one, right from the harbor and
500m of walk). It’s free of charge if you order a meal, but still not fast).
For crews
For crew:
anchorage is pretty, with majestic view for Mangareva Island.
There is
restaurant which serve few dishes (meal or fish with fries, a kind of Chinese
food or a baguette with chicken and fries). The prices are not cheap, but
acceptable (1300-1500 XPF).
There is a
main church, you have to visit it during a Sunday service (beauty Polynesian songs).
A walk
along the coast or to the other side of the island is a good choice. There is a
lot of pearl farms located along the coast.
There is a
lot of growing fruits everywhere. It is no problem to get some. Ask locals if
the tree is in their garden (usually it’s not a problem).
There is 2
small shops with souvenirs (Pearls), frst called Artesian (before Therehere
shop), the second about 200
meters road behind the church.
At the NE
corner of the village live a German man (name Fritz). He is not a sailor but
loves coming people. You can take a shower there (100XPF) or spent a nice time.
He speaks French or German, no English. Worth to visit him.
1 USD – 100
XPF, 1 EUR – 120 XPF (in 2016)
Anchorage – free of charge
Garbage –
1000 XPF / week – payment in municipal
Water – 500
delivery to the wharf – 1500 XPF
Wifi – 1hr /
4 EUR,, 10hrs / 28 EUR, 50hrs / 82EUR
Dinner in
restaurant – 1300 to 2000 XPF
(Fritz’s house) – 100 XPF
A baguette
– 80XPF
stamp for postcard – 140XPF