For boats
Puka Puka
Island lies in SE part of Gambier Group.
It’s off the main sailing routs. The atoll dimensions are aprox. 4 x 2 NM.
There is no passes into the lagoon.
The first
European step on island did Magellan
during his voyage around the World. He also named the island as Puka Puka.
The only
village lies on NW part of the atoll (aprox. 160 of habitants). There is the
best place to get on land. Because the bottom decrees rapidly there is no
possibility to drop the anchor. The best solution is to drift / float close to
the small harbor and get a shore in groups.
Floating /
dingy dropping point: 14 deg 48.48S and 138 deg 50.64W
landing point is located inside the basin on the right side (near the concrete
stairs). Keep in the middle at the basin entrance, there are shallows and rocks
on both sides. You can leave the dinghy there.
If there is
a swell drifting and landing could be dangerous.
Because of
localization of the island (off main routes), and no possibilities of anchor only
1-2 yachts visit Puka Puka island every
There is
one Policeman, but it is not a port of entry, no possibility to check in / out.
Not easy to
get, but ask the inhabitants.
No official
tap point. Ask the inhabitants.
For crews
No WC or shower.
There is internet in the village (not fast), ask the inhabitant. Two small groceries with limited and expensive products. A post office, school and airport are in the island (connection to other Polynesian islands – 1 flight every week). Twice a month a ship with supply is coming.
The people are very friendly. During our visit a Policeman organized a car trip to lagoon and around the village. The local teacher prepared some grill food and we got small souvenirs.
The inside lagoon looks nice, but nothing special if you snorkeling. There is a sea water inside.
Not many people speaks English, but few does.
Our 1 day visit here was amazing – I recommend
no fees