For boats
Raroia is an
atoll located about 450
miles SSW from Marquesas, and it is often a first
for boats
from the there. It is about 49
miles north of Makemo and 5 miles SW of Takume.
This is the
atoll that the raft Kon Tiki finished epic voyage from South
America in 1947.
There is a one
small village (about 200 people) located 2NM SW from the passage. It is on the
leeward side of the atoll, with not much protection from prevailing East winds.
If there is a strong NE-E-SE wind (more than 20kn) anchorage could be
The passage
is well marked with leading lights. But the outgoing current could be stronk (5
and more knots).
Tides and
majority of the atolls have at least one break in the reef called passes. But
only some passes are wide and deep enough to permit a cruising sailboat to
enter through them.
The current
runs strong in and out of these passes. How much is current depends on a lot of
including the moon cycle, wind and wave conditions outside, how big the atoll
is, how
narrow the
pass is, which way the pass faces, and how much passes atoll has.
If the wind
opposes the current, there can be large standing waves. And if there are strong
winds or
large swell, there can be as much as 8 knots of current. So it is always best
to aim to enter the passes at slack or near-slack tide.
Some passes
are east-facing, and these passes will be dicey on the outgoing current. Some
passes are
west-facing, and these passes will most dicey on the incoming current.
Entering /
leaving the atolls become danger when:
1. A strong wind opposing a strong
current. This is just classic wind-against-sea and can
produce uncomfortable and/or dangerous conditions. It is best to try to plan
arrival at an unknown pass in mild conditions and in good light.
2. When the
wind is blowing hard (over 20 knots) out of the SE thru West
3. When the
wave heights are high (over 1.5
meters) from the SE thru West.
winds and/or waves from East push a large volume of water over the reef into
the lagoon, and the only way for this huge volume of water to get out is
through the pass. In this conditions (strong wind for several days) there may
In Tidal Tables or any other Tide software or
information available in internet on Tuamotus there is only few points with
information about HW and LW (the biggest atolls). If you are between them you
can use a simple interpolation to calculate HW and LW time. It is works, not
very precise but it is.
So, there
is no easy way to predict current or slack water in passes, but you can follow
this tips:
- Never sail through the pass
during the night
- Observe the water and waves in
the pass by binoculars
- Just try to enter / leave, but
If the current is to strong go back and wait until condition will change
(usually 2-3 hours)
Just drop
the anchor ahead of the village. It could be at position:
16 02.500S
and 142 28.265W (12 m)
16 02.3247
S and 142 28.1840 W (15m)
The bottom
is sand and some corals, anchor keep good.
dinghy landing point is located inside the small harbour. Pass the head of the
wharf to S (wharf should be on your right). No swell inside, low quay.
The wharf
It is
possible to berth directly to the wharf inside the harbour. The depth on
approach and along the inside part of the wharf is about 2.5 meters (on LW). Take
care on approach and keep close to the wharf, there is some rocks on the left
then turn hard right and moor to inside pier (see chart in section Photos)
The outside
part of the wharf (visible from the lagoon) is also available if they do not
expect a supply ship, but berthing there is more danger if swell or waves
Raroia is
not a port of entry, no possibility to check in / out.
Not easy to
buy, but ask the inhabitants if you really need it. The easiest way is to buy
fuel directly from the supply ship (coming 1-2 times per month). They sell fuel
in 200l barrels only.
No official
tap point. Ask the inhabitants. We take some water from the owner of the shop
close to the airport. He also organize a transport to the wharf by quad.
available in the shop close to airport (no all the time)
groceries, church
For crews
No WC or shower, no WiFi.
The people are very friendly. Some speaks English (wow). We spent many time in front of the shop (this located in the middle of village) with locals. Some beers and coca-cola and long nice talking.
There is a church, be there during Sunday service – nice songs.
You can buy there some pearls – just ask locals, but they want a lot of many, better is to make a change for shoes, clothes, sun glasses etc.
no fees for anchorageno fees for berthing to the wharf